February 8th, 2017
It was a fun day in the office when Dr. Brian Graham, retired President and CEO of The Lung Association, Saskatchewan and Mrs Jo-Ann Graham joined the staff to celebrate their giving history to The Lung Association, Saskatchewan. As CEO, Brian and Jo-Ann made a decision to improve lung health one breath at a time through donating to the employee giving program, a simple and effective way for employees to support their favourite charity straight from payroll. It wasn’t long before Brian and Jo-Ann’s gift reached an incredible $68,048.00!
- If, like Brian and Jo-Ann you want to help everyone breathe easier, you can make an online donation to The Lung Association, Saskatchewan.
- Read Brian's story.
- If we can help you, or a loved one breathe easier, please call 1-888-566-LUNG (5864).
Thank you, Brian and Jo-Ann for improving lung health one breath at a time.