The benefits of a good night sleep
Stephen McLeod, Director of Facilities, College of Arts & Science, University of Saskatchewan.
After my son, Kenny was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in 2015, I started wondering if I also had Sleep Apnea. I asked my doctor for a referral for testing in early 2017 and after two overnight tests and a week-long monitored Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Machine (CPAP) test, all provided by Prairie Oxygen here in Saskatoon, I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and I have been using the CPAP every night since. I feel so much better now that I am getting a good night's sleep.
I participated in the First Saskatoon Great Canadian Sleepwalk, October 13th, 2017 because I know how important a good night’s sleep is for your overall health and well-being!
A big thank you to Prairie Oxygen, The Lung Association, Saskatchewan, and the Canadian Sleep Society for their support of the Great Canadian Sleepwalk and education around Sleep Apnea!